Wednesday, September 22, 2010

iPad in Special Education Classrooms

Today in my Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners class, my professor mentioned that some students are using  the iPad or iPod Touch in classrooms as assistive technology. I did a little research on this, and found quite a few cool uses of this technology in classrooms:

Why I Love the iPad for Education: Initial Observations This is a blog post by a special education teacher that describes many uses in the classroom. It seems to me that this post only skims the surface about what the iPad is capable of in the classroom, but still has me excited to attempt to use one in my own classroom someday!
-iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for Special Education Although the layout of this blog is dreadful, the collection of apps and their use in classroom setting is exceptional. Ranging from TTS (text to speech), Pecs systems (Apps like "model me", "look to learn"), and even music apps, this list covers almost anything that you might need in a special education classroom and could be used as a great source when looking for ways to differentiate instruction with technology.

Finally, I found this YouTube video showing the iPod touch in use in the classroom!